Measures for the Management of Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark


Chapter I. General provisions

Article 5 Any unit or individual shall have the obligation to protect the geosite, natural and cultural heritage of the Geopark and shall have the right to discourage and report any violation of these Measures.

Chapter II. Management responsibilities

Article 8 The Management Committee of Xinjiang Fuyun Keketuohai National Geopark is the administrative organ of Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark, which consists of Comprehensive Office, Politics, Labour and Personnel Office, Finance and Statistics Bureau, Planning and Construction Bureau, Development Bureau, Scenic Spot Management Bureau and Mining Geopark Management Bureau. It performs the following duties in accordance with the law:

a. the implementation of the party and the state and the higher party committees, the government's guidelines, policies, laws and regulations; development, review of scenic spots party (work) committee and the management committee of the relevant rules and regulations and other documents; arrangements for the deployment of scenic spots party (work) committee, the management committee of the various types of important meetings, major activities; contractors, management committees and the coordination of liaison between the relevant departments (units);
b. publicity and implementation of national and autonomous regions on the development of tourism guidelines, policies, measures and tourism management laws and regulations; implementation of national and local laws, regulations and policies related to the protection of geoparks, mine parks, etc., according to the law to protect the natural environment of the geoparks and geosite heritage resources; study the formulation and implementation of geoparks in the development of tourism strategies, medium- and long-term planning and annual work plan;
c. In accordance with the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nature Reserves, the Provisions on the Protection and Management of Geosite, and the Regulations of the State Council on Scenic Spots, etc., it is in charge of the protection, planning, management and utilisation of the tourism resources and natural ecological environment of the Geopark;
d. be responsible for the construction and management of the Geopark, and organise investment promotion work; implement the guidelines, policies and major decisions of the higher level on the economic and social development of scenic spots, geoparks and mine parks, as well as investment promotion work; unify the planning, construction and management of all the public basic service facilities in the area such as transportation, communication, electricity and water supply, improve the living environment and enhance the environment of tourism elements; prepare the Geopark master plan, detailed planning of zoning, important professional planning and detailed planning of scenic spots;
e. To be responsible for the planning of tourism infrastructure construction in the Geopark, the development of tourism products and routes, and the supervision and management of tourist attractions and markets;
f. To be responsible for the management of financial budget, management of state-owned assets and supervision of financial accounting of the geopark; to prepare investment plans and fund budgets for declaring the construction and development projects of the geopark; and to be responsible for the application, management and supervision of the use of the National Fund for the Protection of Geosite;
g. responsible for organising, coordinating and assisting in administrative law enforcement; responsible for supervising and checking the market order and service quality of the tourism industry of the Geopark; assisting in undertaking the administrative law enforcement of tourism scenic spots and administrative appeals;
h. be responsible for the supervision and management and standardisation of the tourism business industry of the Geopark, the development planning of the tourism market, tourism market publicity and promotion; guide the development and cultivation of human resources in the tourism industry of the Geopark; organise and guide the construction of various cultural and spiritual civilisation construction activities in the Geopark;
i. To organise and co-ordinate relevant departments to investigate, evaluate and monitor the geological relics of the Geopark, to establish a database of geological relics for typical geological relics and geomorphic landscapes, and to strengthen the protection of such relics;
j. To organise scientific research and popular science education activities, and to explore the scientific connotation of the Geopark;
k. To organise and implement the re-evaluation of UNESCO Global Geopark every four years;
l. To manage and maintain the Geopark Museum, and do a good job in maintaining and updating the contents of the items displayed and exhibited in the museum;
m. Other duties stipulated by laws, regulations and normative legal documents.

Article 10 The people's governments of the townships and villagers' committees where the geoparks are located shall cooperate with the administrative departments of the geoparks and the relevant departments to carry out the protection, utilisation and management of the geoparks under their jurisdiction.

The villagers' committee where the geological park is located shall educate, guide and urge the villagers to apply green production and life style and assist in the natural ecological environment protection of the geological park.

Chapter IV. Protection and Utilisation

Article 20 Protected areas (points) shall be established for the protection of landscapes within the Geopark if they have the following circumstances:

a. Typical strata, sections and geological formations of scientific value for tracing geological history;
b. Altay granite geomorphological geosites, such as granite peak clusters, bell-shaped peaks, cone-shaped peaks, large dome-shaped peaks, pointed peaks, dome-shaped peaks, tower-shaped peaks, ridge-shaped mounds, high walled mountains, roach valleys, Buddhist niches, elephant-shaped rocks, collapsing stacked rocks, and pot holes;
c. Minerals, veins, mining sites with important scientific research and popular science value, such as mine caves, mine pits, tailing ponds, tailing dumps, minerals, veins, rock veins, mining buildings, and so on;
d. seismic relics with important scientific research and ornamental value, such as seismic fissures, seismic collapse zones, seismic fracture grooves, seismic steep cans, seismic brow ridges, fracture ponds, drums, active fractures, ancient seismic relics, and so on;
e. Glacial landforms, lakes, wetlands, rocky islands, canyons, river bends and springs and waterfalls with important scientific research and ornamental value;
f. Historical and cultural heritage reflecting local history, culture and folklore;
g. other geosite that should be protected as stipulated by laws, regulations and normative legal documents.

Article 21 Geological monuments in the Geopark are protected by graded zoning, including: Grade 1 Geosites Protection Zone; Grade 2 Geosites Protection Zone; and Grade 3 Geosites Protection Zone.

Article 22 Protection requirements of protected areas at all levels: Grade I protected areas can set up necessary trails and related facilities, but must be coordinated with the landscape environment, strictly control the number of tourists and prohibit the entry of motorised transport; Grade II protected areas are allowed to set up a small number of geotourism service facilities that are coordinated with the landscape environment, and shall not arrange for buildings affecting the landscape of the geosite, and the number of tourists shall be reasonably controlled; Grade III protected areas can set up a moderate amount of geotourism service facilities that are coordinated with the landscape environment, and shall not arrange for large-scale buildings such as halls and amusement facilities. Tertiary protected areas can set up a moderate amount of geological tourism service facilities that are in harmony with the landscape environment, and shall not arrange large-scale buildings such as halls, amusement facilities and so on.

Article 23 No new construction, alteration or expansion of geotourism service facilities shall be permitted within the scope of the Grade I protected area, and the construction activities of the protection works shall be coordinated with the landscape environment, and the following protection and management measures shall be implemented:

a. With the approval of the Geopark administration, scientific research, teaching, academic exchanges and tourism activities can be carried out in an organised manner;
b. Scientifically calculate the capacity of the ecological environment and prepare contingency plans for tourists exceeding the limit;
c. Based on the planning of the Geopark, set up tour trails in a scientific and reasonable manner, strictly control the scope of construction, keep away from the geosite, and strictly prohibit the construction of motor vehicle roads;
d. Regular or irregular maintenance and repair of the tour or protection facilities within the scope;
e. No tourist accommodation service beds shall be arranged in the geological tourism facilities;
f. The protection work is implemented by the person responsible for the director of the Management Committee of Xinjiang Fuyun Keketuohai National Geopark;
g. A weekly inspection system shall be implemented for the important geosite in the primary protection area, and inspection by means of drones and construction of video surveillance may be adopted for remote or barren uninhabited areas;
h. Other provisions of laws, regulations and rules.

Article 24 There are restrictions on the construction of new, altered and expanded geotourism service facilities within the scope of the secondary protected area, and the construction activities of the protection works shall be coordinated with the landscape environment and the following protection and management measures shall be implemented:

a. With the approval of the Geopark administration, scientific research, teaching, academic exchanges and tourism activities can be carried out in an organised manner;
b. Scientifically calculate the capacity of the ecological environment and prepare contingency plans for tourists exceeding the limit;
c. Buildings and structures that affect the landscape of the geosite shall not be constructed;
d. No tourist accommodation service beds shall be arranged in the geological tourism service facilities constructed;
e. There are restrictions on allowing motorised transport to enter;
f. The construction of walking trails and motorised roads is strictly prohibited to damage the geosite, and the scope of construction is strictly controlled and kept away from the geosite;
g. The geopark's geo-hazard hazard sites are always monitored, and geo-hazard management works are not allowed to damage geosite and the construction scope is strictly controlled;
h. It is strictly prohibited to discharge sewage, pile up wastes and rubbish into the water bodies of Iremu Lake and Cocosuri, and it is strictly prohibited to illegally breed in Iremu Lake and Cocosuri Lake, as well as to graze livestock and clear land around the lake;
i. The protection work is carried out by the person responsible for the deputy director in charge of geosite protection of Xinjiang Fuyun Keketuohai National Geopark Management Committee;
j. An inspection system is implemented twice a month for the important geosite in the secondary protection area;
k. Other provisions of laws, regulations and rules.

Article 25 The appearance of the geotourism service facilities constructed within the scope of the third-level protected area shall be coordinated with the surrounding nature, geosite, and humanistic landscapes, reflecting the local cultural traditions and national characteristics, and shall not carry out construction activities unrelated to scenic tours and enjoyment, and shall implement the following protection and management measures:

a. Prohibit the illegal construction of tour facilities, repair of graves and erection of monuments in the tertiary protected areas, and strictly prohibit the opening of visits and tourism projects that are inconsistent with the direction of geopark protection;
b. Scientifically calculate the capacity of the ecological environment and prepare contingency plans for tourists to exceed the limit;
c. Always monitor the geological disaster hidden spots in the Geopark, and the geological disaster management project shall not destroy the geosite, and strictly control the construction scope;
d. The protection work is implemented to the person, the responsible person is the director of the Mining Geopark Administration of Xinjiang Fuyun Keketuohai National Geopark Management Committee;
e. An inspection system is implemented once a month for the important geosite in the three-level protection area;
f. Other provisions of laws, regulations and rules.

Article 27 The Chinese and English names and logos of the Geopark are protected by law and may not be used by any unit, organisation or individual without the authorisation of the entitled subject.

Article 28 No unit, organisation or individual shall move, change or damage all kinds of boundary markers, boundary pillars, warning signs, explanatory signs and other kinds of signs of the Geopark without authorisation, or damage the relevant facilities of the Museum or the Science and Technology Plaza.

Article 29 Units, organisations and individuals entering the Geopark shall abide by the regulations on the management of the Geopark and consciously obey the supervision and management of the Geopark administration.

Article 31 Engaging in scientific research, teaching internship, practical activities, nature education, study activities, specimen and fossil collection, film and television location shooting, and sports events, etc. in the Geopark shall be carried out only after approval of the application and activity plan submitted in advance to the Geopark administration. The units or individuals carrying out the above activities shall determine their ownership of the scientific research results or information in accordance with the law, and the scientific research results obtained shall be submitted to the Geopark Administration for archiving and kept confidential in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

Article 34 Units and individuals producing, operating and living in the Geopark shall take effective measures to prevent and control environmental pollution, discharge water, materials and gas according to the standard, and undertake the greening, beautification and environmental sanitation work within the occupied area.

Chapter VI. Legal Liability

Article 47 If any of the following acts are committed, the relevant administrative department shall impose administrative penalties in accordance with the laws and regulations; if they constitute a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law:

a. Construction of buildings and engineering facilities that may cause damage to the geosite in violation of regulations;
b. Farming, planting, sand dredging, quarrying, earth extraction, mountain clearing, land clearing, blasting and logging in violation of regulations;
c. Damaging and excavating geosite, collecting, acquiring, processing and selling products and articles of geosite such as geological specimens, strange stones, ornamental stones and fossils in the Geopark without approval, or transporting the said products and articles out of the Geopark;
d. Illegally carrying out mineral resources exploration and development activities in the geological relics protection area;
e. Altering the state of natural water system by enclosing or filling up rivers, mountain springs and waterfalls;
f. Unauthorised collection of wild plants under national and provincial key protection;
g. Unauthorised capture of wild animals under national and provincial key protection;
h. Introducing or releasing foreign species;
i. Bringing into the Geopark animals and plants that are quarantined as disease-ridden, pest-ridden or contaminated, as well as their packaging materials and means of transport;
j. Using highly toxic, highly poisonous or highly residual pesticides, discharging sewage, throwing away and piling up waste and rubbish at will;
k. Smoking, burning incense and making fire in non-designated places;
l. Setting up unauthorised commercial billboards;
m. Carving and painting indiscriminately, moving, destroying or damaging protection, services, tours, public transport facilities and other facilities;
n. Establishment of any form of industrial development zone in the protected geosite area;
o. Constructing villas, real estate projects, training centres, sanatoriums and other buildings in the protected geosite areas;
p. Other behaviours stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

Keketuohai National Geopark
ADD:China Xinjiang Fuyun County Road 8 may be united management committee office
Operating Hours:09:00 - 18:00 67141999
新ICP备13003682号-2 Copyright © Keketuohai National Geopark | All Rights Reserved.