Regulations on the Sale of Geological Materials in Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1  In order to strengthen the management of the sale of geological materials in Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, Forest Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nature Reserves, Law of the People's Republic of China on Wetland Protection, Provisions on the Management of the Protection of Geosite (Decree No. 21 of the former Ministry of Geology and Minerals), Regulations on the Protection of Paleontological Fossils, and Regulations on the Protection of Paleontological Fossils Implementation Measures" "Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Geological Environmental Protection Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation, to formulate this approach.

Article 2  These Measures shall apply to the management of the sale of geological materials within the scope of Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark (hereinafter referred to as the Geopark).

Article 3  The geological materials referred to in these Regulations are fossils, minerals, rock specimens, ore specimens, precious stones, curiosities, ornamental stones, polished rocks, etc., with the exception of legally mined ores.

Article 4 The scope of Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark referred to in this method: bounded in the north by the natural boundary of the Karadurgen River-Buyetsay-Kuste River-South Slope of Kunchalharn-3234 Peak, in the east by the county administrative boundary of Fuyun and Qinghe counties, in the south by the natural boundary of the west bank of Karashengeer-Ergelatay River-Ergelatay-The Second Plant-Lhokaiyilok, and in the west by the natural boundary of the Kayileke-Maizengsayi-Sayihengbulake- Alasan-Karadurgen River natural boundary as the boundary, formed by 268 boundary points of inflection circle, including the Irtysh Grand Canyon, Sayihengbulake, Kalaxiangeer, Kekesuli, No.3 mines, covering an area of 2,337.90 square kilometres.

Article 5  Geological materials are valuable assets of the country, and no unit or individual shall excavate, buy or sell them or transfer them in other forms. The collection of geological materials may be permitted due to the needs of scientific research and popularisation of science and education, and it is necessary to apply for and file a record with the administrative department of the geopark prior to the collection, stating the usefulness of it, and the collection shall not destroy the geosite.

Article 6  Any unit or individual has the obligation to consciously comply with the relevant management provisions of this management approach, and has the right to discourage and report on behaviour that violates this approach.

Chapter III. Management measures

Article 12  Any unit, organisation or individual is strictly prohibited from carrying out activities of selling geological materials within the boundaries of the Geopark.

Article 13  It is strictly prohibited for business entities within the geopark to make new declarations on the retailing, wholesaling, import/export trade, appraisal and evaluation, processing, etc., of geological materials (regardless of their origin).

Article 14  If the business entities within the geopark have declared the business scope of retailing, wholesaling, import and export trade, appraisal and evaluation, processing, etc. of geological materials in the previous period and have carried out the activities of selling geological materials, they are allowed to change the business scope and rectify the situation within a limited period of time, or move the activities of selling geological materials out of the scope of the geopark.

Article 15  Individuals engaged in the selling of geological materials in the previous period within the geopark area are allowed to rectify the situation or move the selling of geological materials out of the geopark area within a limited period of time, and if the individual is a local resident and is making a living out of it, he/she may apply to the local government for the provision of skills training.

Article 16  Strengthening the multi-method publicity activities on the protection of geosite and the strict prohibition of the sale of geological materials within and around the geopark, posting the Measures for the Management of the Sale of Geological Materials in public areas, and announcing the telephone number for the report of the sale of geological materials.

Article 17  Encourage the use of sustainable materials for the development of geological replicas with certain financial incentives and tax reductions, and geopark administrations have an obligation to publicise and promote geological replicas.

Article 18  It is strictly prohibited for the Geopark management to purchase any geological materials, and it is prohibited to place purchased geological materials in geological museums, geological exhibition halls, Geopark museums, etc., and the geological materials that have already been purchased shall be sealed or moved out of the boundaries of the Geopark.

Article 19  Geological materials used for gifts or exchanges shall be publicly announced in advance by the geopark management before collection, with an explanation of the scale of collection and the purpose of collection, and without damaging the geosite. After collection, the geopark management shall take photos, record, register and archive the geological materials.

Article 20  Strengthening the construction of on-site protection of geological materials is not limited to measures such as the construction of protective fences, video surveillance, management stations, sealing of holes and burials.

Article 21  For the sale of geological materials outside the boundaries of the Geopark, strengthen the guidance for its transformation, so that the sale of geological materials can be gradually reduced or even disappeared.

Chapter IV. Legal liability

Article 22  Any of the following acts shall be punished by the competent department of the Geopark in accordance with laws and regulations; if they constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

a. Illegally engaging in mountain opening, quarrying, sand digging, prospecting, mining, land reclamation, grave building and monumentation, soil extraction, forest logging, etc., within the Geopark;
b. Carrying out construction works in the Geopark that affect the protection of important geosite or seriously affect the geological landscape;
c. Destroying or polluting the protected geosite;
d. Engaging in searching for and collecting and excavating precious stones, strange stones and ornamental stones within the Geopark;
e. Operating entities and individuals engaged in rock, mine and fossil processing within the Geopark;
f. Scientific researchers and entities that collect and excavate rock and ore specimens and palaeontological fossils without declaration;
g. Unauthorised movement and destruction of geological material protection facilities;
h. Other behaviours stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

Article 23  For those business entities engaged in the sale of geological materials in the Geopark in the previous period, if they fail to complete the rectification within the time limit after the issuance of the notice of rectification within the time limit, they will be included in the blacklist of businessmen, disqualified from carrying out business activities in the Geopark, and confiscated of the geological materials and their unlawful proceeds.

Article 24  Individuals who engaged in selling geological materials in the Geopark in the previous period and failed to complete the rectification within the time limit after the issuance of the notice of rectification within the time limit shall be included in the blacklist of personal integrity, and if they are local residents, they shall cancel all their preferential treatments from the government and confiscate their geological materials and illegal proceeds, and they shall be forbidden to enter the Geopark and the museums of the Geopark.

Article 25  Business entities and individuals who carry out the sale of geological materials in the geopark shall, upon investigation and handling, confiscate their geological materials and illegal income, and if the geological materials originate from the geopark, shall be investigated for other offences in accordance with the law, and the other penalties shall refer to Articles 22 and 23, and a fine of more than 30,000 yuan and less than 100,000 yuan shall be imposed on those business entities whose refusal to cooperate is particularly serious, and a fine of more than 10,000 yuan and less than 100,000 yuan shall be imposed on those individuals whose refusal to cooperate is particularly serious. A fine of not less than RMB 10,000 and not more than RMB 50,000 shall be imposed.

Article 26  The sale of geological materials of the Geopark outside the scope of the Geopark shall be investigated and dealt with in a timely manner in accordance with the rules and regulations of the law, and all relevant persons shall be held legally responsible.

Article 27  State organs and their staff shall be given administrative sanctions by their superior administrative departments if they neglect their duties, abuse their powers or act in favour of their own interests in the management of the sale of geological materials in geoparks; if a crime is constituted, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Article 28  If the parties concerned are not satisfied with the administrative penalty decision, they may initiate administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation.

Keketuohai National Geopark
ADD:China Xinjiang Fuyun County Road 8 may be united management committee office
Operating Hours:09:00 - 18:00 67141999
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